Inbal Freund

Inbal Freund

Member of the executive board
Social entrepreneur specializing in establishing systems for resource development for social organizations and strategic advisor for philanthropic foundations. Director of the “Tashtit” initiative to promote nonprofit organizations, lecturer and mentor for “Erech LaDerech” for training resource developers in partnership with Bank Hapoalim. Lecturer in a course for resource development for the New York Federation, “HaKaveret,” “Shutafut” Foundation, and more. In these frameworks and others, she advised hundreds of organizations during the past 15 years. From 2012-2016, she served as director of resource development in the unit for social activism of the Jewish Agency and head of their philanthropic foundations division. In this capacity, she raised hundreds of donations for youth villages of the Jewish Agency, for projects overseas, for young communities, academic scholarships, and more. She was among the founders of “Ofek” mechinot, pre-military academies for youth from the periphery and at-risk youth, which currently numbers dozens of mechinot. In 2011, she served as spokesperson for the Jewish Agency for Israeli Communications. She directed the “Haverim” program – a community of students at Hebrew University, including founding four branches of the program and a program for conversion, directed the organization for women whose husbands refuse to give them a “get” and agunot, served as a guest member of the Legacy Heritage Foundation at the Institute for Policy Planning of the Jewish People – research topic: young leadership initiatives in the Jewish world, guided by Prof. Yehezkel Dror, serves as a voluntary diplomat at the World Jewish Diplomatic Corps, is a member of the international ROI network of the Schusterman Foundation, organizational consultant of “Shtil”, recipient of the FLEGG prize from the Gilo Center for Civic and Democratic Education from Hebrew University, educational emissary in Manchester, UK, member of the executive boards of Yesodot, “Chevlei Kesher”, and Jerusalem street orchestra.

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